Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Change Something

Here lately, I’ve found myself thinking about "change". And I don’t mean the word being tossed around by presidential hopefuls, but something bigger.

Every day we’re greeted by "change". Some for the better and some for the worse.

As a society, "change" has become something we have not only grown accustomed to, but it’s something we’ve really taken for granted.

Clothing, buildings, climate, enemies, friends, the way we watch movies and listen to music, our language, our beliefs, society, rules, tastes, climate, etc... All these things are changing while we sleep and as we live our days, and so much is changing we don’t even notice it.

When JFK took office, we had half the people on this planet as we do today, and that was less than 50 years ago. If that’s not crazy enough, briefly think about the technological age we’re in. Had you told me 10 years ago, I could get a phone with a camera, an mp3 player, the Internet, a touch screen and everything else an iPhone offers, I probably would have thought it was science fiction.

Tonight, I listened to a journalist/writer discuss how advertising as we have come to know it is dying a bloody death as fast as the newspaper in print. This is changing the way we live our lives.

Following his lecture, I came home and watched The 11th Hour, which is basically An Inconvenient Truth Lite. It not only has opinions from more than 50 experts on what is happening to our planet, but it also offers suggestions how we can reduce some of the problems we’re creating.

I don’t want to turn this into a tree-hugging lecture, but it is mind blowing to me that there are politicans who speak out against global warming. Some of these same politicans are currently discussing whether we should send our athletes to China where the smog is so thick marathon runners are already saying they won’t compete.

(By the way, there is video evidence of entire ice shelves breaking away and melting. This didn’t used to happen, Jim.)

What I like most about The 11th Hour is it makes a point to prove that nature will outlast us. We may be dumping millions of toxins into our water daily and creating desert like atmospheres in South America, but nature will ultimately win.

What I want to do is issue all of us a challenge. We all need to slow down. I recently realized this and quit wearing a watch.

We only have this life one life to live on this planet in this body. Enjoy it!

While that may be a challenge, the other I want to offer is that we all change one thing in our life.

It can be something small or something major. Just change something.

Be more friendly to strangers. Slow down when driving. Recycle. Smile more. Save more money. Question your beliefs. Eat better. Drink less. Go for a walk. Tell someone you love something nice. Start practicing what you preach. Say "no" to something.

Change something.

If we all change one thing in our lives, we will change the world we live in.


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