Wednesday, April 9, 2008


This is a blog about Tulsa and the surrounding area, generally. We will, and often do, touch on subjects that aren't region/area specific, but still have some impact on us. One such issue is politics and national current events that could have some bearing on our lives as a collective.

Sally Kern's recent remarks (which will not be repeated here) do not represent the feelings of all Oklahomans. I would venture so far as to say those views of hers aren't even shared by a majority of the populace, but of a select minority. I agree that yes, she should be very ashamed of herself, but she isn't. And sadly, that's what passes as a Christian in this state. Be aware fellow citizens of Tulsa and the state, that our "demographic," will act in response to unjust, unreasonable classifications of those that lead their lives differently than the majority. However, in a free country, you're allowed to have complete idiots...and if you live in Oklahoma, you elect them to state congress.

The Reluctant Tulsan's political views are rather quite inconsequential. This is not a space to rant about Republicans and Democrats. Although we fully support and condone healthy conversation and debate, this isn't our soapbox on that issue in particular. We do care strongly about social, economic, and political issues (especially when they will or should have impact on us as Oklahomans), which we will touch on (see below)--but we encourage everyone to find their own passions.

Engage the system and participate in being a citizen, don't waste it.
Get My Vote!

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