Sunday, April 13, 2008

Well, That's Not Something You See Everyday

Last night as I was leaving my apartment and getting into my car I noticed something walking down the sidewalk towards me. I thought, "What the hell is that?" As it approached, I realized what it was--"Oh my god, it's a goddamn fox."

True story, here comes a fox trotting right past me, just strutting down the sidewalk with a dead rabbit in its mouth. "Hey Swift." He just winked and nodded and kept trotting, never straying from the sidewalk. I got in my car and followed it. Swift walked two more blocks to 17th and Peoria, looked both ways and crossed the street. I couldn't believe it. The fox was just walking like this was an everyday occurrence--a fox hunting and returning home through the middle of Midtown Tulsa, strolling down the sidewalk, not the street, but the sidewalk, obeying all traffic laws like a homo sapien pedestrian.

Unfortunately, I cannot report on any David the Gnome sightings in the area.

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