Monday, April 7, 2008

Weather Madness

Why the fuck can't I ever watch a sporting event without some douche bag weatherman fucking my shit up? Every time some significant sporting event happens that I want to watch, be it the NCAA basketball championship, the NBA finals, a BCS bowl game, the World Series or the Super bowl; a thunderstorm will roll into town and I have people like Travis Meyer interrupting every couple of minutes just to tell me, "Yes, it's still raining...yes there is a, there probably won't be a tornado..."

Then what the hell are doing popping into my television? It's a goddamn thunderstorm! It storms here...ALL THE TIME! If we aren't in immediate danger, then go the hell away. Oh, and another thing--quit shrinking the picture to run your stupid weather crawl. There is no reason for a "severe weather alert" for a stupid, measly thunderstorm. Floods? Ice? Blizzard? Hurricane? Zombies? Alien invasion? Please, interrupt me. If not, shove your 4-D radar up your ass.



Anonymous said...

Its interesting to see the contrast between you and your new blogger's writing. You can see different sets of outlooks on life when they are basically set up side by side. Good reads on both though.

BAM! said...

That is true, different writers have different styles, and Lando may just be more 'professional' than me, but then again, I was severely agitated.